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 Спутник сайта Школьного отделения надомного обучения ГБОУ "Гимназия №1528" Зеленоградского АО г.Москвы

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Evolution of alarm clocks is constantly changing. Many kinds of alarms disappear completely. The only way to survive for them is to supply alarms with new functions. Nowadays there are some alarm clocks which can ring, jump around the room or even fly up under the ceiling, escaping from the owner. One of the latest model is, if the owner can't wake up, the alarm clock transfers money to the Charity Fund.

Now try to answer these questions according to age categories:

5 – 7 classes:

1.     Write three necessary and useful functions for the modern alarm clocks.

2.     What "alive” alarm clock do you know?  What is its advantage?

8 – 11 classes:

1.     Write five necessary and useful functions for the modern alarm clocks.

2.     Name usual and unusual alarm clocks (not less than 10).


At first this item served to protect from the sun. As a shelter from the rain it was first used by the Englishman John Henway in 1750. And 100 years later Samuel Fox patented it. In his novel a famous English writer described the character, who made this item for his everyday life.

Try to answer these questions according to age categories:

5 – 7 classes:

1.     What is the name of this item?

2.     Name this novel and its author.

8 – 11 classes:

1.     What is the name of this item? Name this novel and its author.

2.     Write 10 kinds of clothing, which people can wear with this item.


There are two holidays for lovers of this crisp dessert:

"The National Day of ...” and "The International Day of .....”  in America. Sometimes this kind of dessert may be thin, square or in the shape of narrow strips with creamy layer.

Try to answer these questions:

5 – 7 classes:

1.   What kind of dessert is it?

2.   When do people celebrate these holidays in America?

8 – 11 classes:

1.    What kind of dessert is it? When do people celebrate these holidays in America?

2.    Are there any holidays in Russia, which are connected with some kinds of meals? Write at least three holidays.

Критерии оценки ответов на задания 2 тура

Ответы на задания оцениваются максимум в 5 баллов:

0-нет ответа;

1-ответ есть, но содержит серьезные ошибки;

2-ответ есть, но он нечеткий или содержит много лишней информации (полностью взят из Интернета без редактирования);

3-неполный ответ; наличие большого количества лексико-грамматических ошибок;

4-полный правильный ответ;

+1 балл жюри может добавить за творческий подход к оформлению работы;

Ответы присылайте на почту игры um-ka367@yandex.ru до 4 декабря 2013 года.


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