3 tour "Boomerang"
1. Why is Westminster Bridge in London green?
2. What river in Great Britain and the cloth have the same name?
3. It is one of the prestigious award in English literature. This award is usually given to that author, who lives in one of the countries of the Commonwealth, Ireland or Zimbabwe, for the novel written in English. Name the award, please.
4. What is common in the appearance of King's guard and Napoleon's guard?
5. In Wales there was a custom to present each other with spoons, which were called "Lovespoons ". What was carved on them?
6. What birds were called "Lovebirds" in England?
7. What famous scientist took a payment for his autograph? Where did he spend his money on?
8. The existence of the Monarchy recalls itself by many customs. The climax event of each official dinner is usually claimed "The toast for loyalty". The real toast consists of two words. Name the toast, please.
9. Decode these hotel's signs and translate them in Russian.
10. This plant was brought to Great Britain 2000 years ago, and it was used to feed horses for a long time. In our days, every year, there is a World Contest for those who can cook many dishes from this product. What is the name of this plant? What award is given to the winner of this World Contest?
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